A call has been issued...

... and you have answered — welcome to New Portsmouth, who are you going to be?

Humans aren't alone in the secret world. The Bestiary offers a taste of the many fellows humans find in the shadows.

Somehow, some way, you have found yourself in New Portsmouth. Tell me, what has called your soul here?

We all need friends in a world like this. Choose yours wisely.

The many sources of magic and power in the world; every soul is tethered to one, though some are not bound to it forever.

How ones soul channels and manifests the power which their Font imparts upon them.

Notes: Anima Mundi is an Original Character (OC) focused roleplay group; with this aim in mind, we only accept OCs made for or tailored to this setting. We want to encourage you to engage with and flesh out this world with us!We also ask that all characters you app are able to communicate in some way (spoken, written, somatic, telepathic, etc) and to be in possession of sentience. Beyond that, we welcome you to be creative. Ask if you have any questions or concerns!


There are many things that join humanity in calling Earth their home; more than any one person can hope to catalogue. In the Pacific Northwest there are a few common fellows you can expect to see in day-to-day life while visiting extraordinary-friendly places like New Portsmouth.

Children of the void.

Night-dwellers, blood drinkers.

Creatures of myths and tales.

Shapeshifters, children of beasts.

Beyond the "common" extraordinary.


The concept of the demon appears in various forms across cultures, usually attributed to causing illness and misfortune. Despite what many claim, Demons are not creatures of hell; they are children of the Void. They aren’t beings of evil, instead entities of deficiency.Demons at their core exist as ‘nothing’. As blank slates, they adopt the characteristics projected onto them; if the idea of a demon is to entice others to act immorally, then that is what they will do. They have no predictable behavior, appearance, or weaknesses.As children of the Void, all demons are innately tied to the dark magic half of the Celestial font. Some demons can become practitioners of other fonts due to shaping at the hands of belief, but the Void is always at their core.Demons are unable to sexually reproduce, implying that the existence of ‘half-demons’ is instead the result of a child being touched by the void. It is possible for them to shed their connection to the Void and fully actualize as something almost human, losing many of their powers in the process.


Though there are many subsets and types of demons, each will come under one of two categories: Guardians and Wanderers.

  • GUARDIANS are tied to a specific concept; this may be something tangible such as a place or an object, or something more abstract such as a particular phobia. Guardians are bound to and defined by these concepts, and often have power related to them.

  • WANDERERS are untethered by obligation to a concept. They are shaped by the chaotic mix of belief and emotion around them. Wanderers are constantly changing, in a state of constant flux and want for a focus. Some find it, many fade back into the void.


Creatures spoken of in myths, fairytales, and stories of all kinds. Spirits are a wide family of creatures, their unifying trait being that all were born from or shaped by the power of storytelling. Under this umbrella live beings like faeries, ghosts, and cryptids.As they gain empowerment through belief in stories told about them, spirits often intervene to help weave said tales and shape them to their whims. Many are also masters and tenders of the Dictum font, utilizing myth to create unbreakable rules or trick fools into contracts.


What kind of spirit one can find depends on where in the world you choose to look. As stories differ between countries and cultures, so too do the beings brought to life by them. However there are three basic types.

  • TRICKSTERS are Spirits who delight in manipulation and exploitation of mortals and their fellow spirits. A prime example is the western Fae. Under this branch also lives the subtype of Proprietors, Spirits who entrap victims in their own constructed domains.

  • APPARITIONS are Spirits concerned with haunting, such as ghosts. There are many kinds; from echos of a soul’s Dynamism that haunt their loved ones or site of death, to creatures that attach themselves to places and people to siphon energy from fear.

  • HUNTERS, the final kind of spirit, are the most malicious. These spirits won’t settle for just drawing power from stories of their existence; they stoke the myths, then hunt down and consume those that either disrespect them, or are foolish enough to enter the hunter’s domain.


Once mortal, now transformed into immortal beings that can only subsist on blood. Vampires have been recorded across the globe, including many regional vampiric creatures such as the jiangshi and strigoi.


Though often thought to be undead, physical death is not an absolute requirement for becoming a vampire. Rather, it is the ‘death of the soul’ that can lead to vampirism. Currently there are three known causes:

  1. Committing a great act of perceived sin and feeling such guilt that the soul 'dies'. The body lives while the soul reaches a state of ‘undeath’. The body then transforms into a non-human entity of bloodthirst over the course of 20-40 days, a portion spent in a pupal form.

  2. Progeny of vampires will not be born as vampires, but are predisposed to becoming one; it may take a less grievous trauma to trigger the transformation.

  3. Being non-lethally bitten in an act of ritual (known as ‘siring’) by an established vampire.


Vampires rarely look different from humans, if occasionally more pallid due to their aversion to sunlight. Their fangs are retractable at-will and are not a reliable identifier. A lack of reflection in silver-backed mirrors is the single persistent trait of all vampires.While not truly nocturnal, vampires are most active at night due to increased light sensitivity, warranting sunglasses and UV protection creams. Some also prefer the night as it makes anonymity easier to maintain, as many vampires lead reclusive lifestyles.Vampires must consume blood as a replacement for all other foods or they will suffer symptoms of starvation. Animal blood can sate one’s appetite, but will not provide the same nourishment as human blood, leaving the vampire weakened. Feeding is not inherently fatal for the prey.Refusing to feed causes a vampire’s consciousness to wither, reducing them to a ‘husk’ that will act autonomously and hunt for prey with disregard for all else but the need to eat. They will kill all victims they do not plan to sire in their instinctual haze.Some vampires are capable of acts of mental influence and hypnosis. Some also transform into animals, similar to werebeasts but without the pelt or size restrictions. They favor smaller creatures such as bats. Whether a vampire has one, all, or none of these varies case-by-case.


Werebeasts (or therianthropes) are humans that have, via bite or lineage, gained the ability to transform into a beast. The most commonly reported type of werebeasts in folklore are werewolves, though many accounts state that a were’s shape can be that of almost any animal.It is currently understood that therianthropy is transmitted as a curse via a non-lethal bite from a werebeast to a human. History traces the curse back to people donning themselves in magicked animal skins with intention to transform, marking modern werebeasts as their descendants.


In their human form, werebeasts behave and appear no different from a human; there are no hallmark traits to identify them. However after their first transformation, every werebeast returns to their human self wearing a pelt reflective of their beast form.In their animal form, werebeasts are almost indistinguishable from regular animals of their species. But there are two defining tells: they retain both their human eyes and their human voice. Coherency of speech depends on their degree of ferality.

Logistics of Transformation

A therianthrope’s pelt serves as their transformation catalyst, as well as existing as an extension of their self; any damage done to the pelt is reflected on the owner, or vice versa.The lunar cycle does not effect a were’s transformation, but it is traditional to do so on nights near the full moon. The urge to transform increases over time; abstinence from it is possible but leads to adverse mental and physical effects. Including the loss of control in animal form.Why a shifter becomes a certain species is unclear. The magic involved cannot drastically affect size – a were’s animal form will be similar in scale to their human one. There is no known cure for therianthropy. Historical ‘cures’ include wolfsbane, exorcism, and use of silver – all ineffective.

Other Beasts...

The creatures listed in this Bestiary are but a fraction of those that exist in this world. Possibilities and the fonts of magic that feed them are limitless. To that end, the Anima Mundi mod team welcomes and encourages players to either pitch ideas for beasts and species they would like added, or to submit a write-up to be added to this page.

Submission Guidelines

Before submitting a write-up or pitching an idea, please contact mods via the #lore-inquiry channel to confirm that your idea is not already covered by one of the four main species (they are umbrella categories after all) and is lore-compliant in concept. After you have done this, proceed to below.

  • TO PITCH AN IDEA write up a brief summary of the concept and what you feel are the core/most important traits of the beast. Please try to keep this summary under 100 words. Then submit this to the mods in the #pitches-and-feedback channel, with the species name(s) bolded at the top of the message. From here, the mod team will take over and brainstorm further details before creating a write-up on your behalf and adding it to this page.

  • TO SUBMIT A WRITE-UP, create a thorough but succinct summary of your beast in under or around 150 words. Include a basic overview, identifiable or distinct traits, weaknesses, unique powers or history, and other relevant details. Please submit it to the mods in #pitches-and-feedback for review. We may edit this write-up slightly for posting, then add it to this page!

  • If we on the mod team have any questions or concerns, we will contact you via DMs after submission. We look forward to seeing what you make!

Fonts of Power

Many magical forces make their mark on the flow of this world; the sources of these magics are known as “Fonts of Power”. Though they are grouped under one label, no two fonts are the same in how they manifest and some are simply attempts to categorize the ungraspable. Each soul is innately tied to one of these fonts – though this can be overwritten if they are touched by a second font. Only one font may maintain claim to a soul.

Light and shadow intertwined, vast emptiness, the arcane power of symbols.

Cause and effect, the truth of created destiny, the power of ritual.

Domain over blood and sinew, life’s innate hunger, control through force.

Domain of slow deaths, pestilence and rot, the end of cycles and what grows from it.

The elements, ancient magics, the domain of appointed gods.

Edicts and rules, the power of speech, domain over spaces.

Harmony in connection, boundless growth, the will of the wild.

Forces unseen, that which is unknown, energy in all its forms.

Unnatural hunger, destruction as sustenance, consumption of personhood.
Pitch is not selectable.


To live is to be called; by friends, foes, forces, futures. What defines a soul are those calls that it answers. Somehow, some way, you have found yourself in New Portsmouth. Tell me, what has called your soul here?

  • Summons: Your time has come – whether you knew to expect it or not. Something beyond you laid the path to your destination and now draws you down it, you are powerless to resist.

  • Orders: Many of the largest Secret Societies are always hiring, you signed on for a job. Perhaps pushing papers, perhaps further recruitment, maybe even field operations. Whatever your normal role, staffing shuffle demands you take this trip – alone or with a team. Either way, orders are orders. Welcome to your new temporary post!

  • Birth: This cove is your home. Some of the town’s elders joke; from birth to death the children of New Portsmouth never quite seem to succeed in leaving. Even those that depart briefly seem drawn back, like a lodestone calibrating without fail. You are no exception; whether you’ve tried to leave or no, something keeps you tethered to this rocky beach.

  • Wanderlust: Winds and waves sweep you across land and sea. Your soul is ushered hither and back – only this endless trek fills you with satisfaction. Now you sweep into New Portsmouth, in search of your next great adventure. Who knew such things could grow in small towns like this?

  • Growth: You hunger; ambition, thirst for knowledge, want for safety, desperate curiosity. Something drives you forward, forces you to grow. There are so many ways to flourish. Academics could bring you to the satellite campus, intrigue may draw you to this storied town, a need for guidance brings you to the esteemed residents of this beach. Something you need is here, so here is where you must be.

  • Chance: How did you end up here? It feels like you tripped on your intended path, met the dirt, then straightened up to find yourself disoriented and wholly displaced. Emotionally, of course. Whatever the true chain of events, you didn’t mean to end up in New Portsmouth but you’re here now – and no matter how you try, you just can’t seem to leave. Luck just isn’t on your side these days.


If fonts are the ink with which magic is written into existence, suits are the pen. One's suit defines how they bring forth their magic, and how said magic expresses itself. They are separated into two sets of opposing houses; selfish and selfless, manifestation and manipulation.Selfish magic is that which is innately focused solely on yourself or a single target at a time; Selfless magic is innately focused upon a group, friend or foe.Manifestation magic is concerned with conjuration and creation in a physical or direct sense, summoned by innate connection to a font; Manipulation magic focuses on invocation of a font via understanding of its flow and inner workings, manipulating extant domains to your whims.One can push their magic to expand or sharpen its focus to run against their suit, but it is much more difficult.

Selfish — Manipulation
The suit of Artisans; creativity and will, focused on your own improvement and innovation. Those in this suit find their prowess lies in the creation of new magic from understanding of its core tenets, be this scholarly or innate knowledge.

Selfish — Manifestation
The suit of Merchants; cunning and resourcefulness, concerned with creation to your own ends. Those in this suit manifest their font’s magic effortlessly, drawing on their connection to realize that which they need or want most.

Selfless — Manipulation
The suit of Clergy; emotion and devotion, driven by the need to curate community. Those in this suit concern themselves with cultivating a magical base best suited for empowering or managing others, no matter their intentions.

Selfless — Manifestation
The suit of Warriors; reason and focus, occupied with protection and construction. Those in this suit excel in manifesting their font to defend people or ideals, or to build a more advantageous vantage for them and their allies.


The company one keeps defines them as much as their own actions; this is especially true in the fractured world of magic and monsters. Whose flag you fly impacts your every connection, each coming with its own weighty history.Allegiances are not permanent and can change during roleplay.

Hunters, Adventurers, Outfitters and Trainers.

Sisterhood of Scholars
Collectors of knowledge, scions of secrets.

The hidden eyes, rumored watchers.
Not selectable.

Sentinels of Danube
Defenders of the innocent, warriors and protectors.

Chapman Resources Group
Private army for hire, specialized and deadly.

Endless opportunities exist in the hidden world.

🌘 Moonlighters 🌖

The Moonlighters began as a cabal of werewolves-turned-monster hunters centuries ago – the exact date and town of origin is under constant debate. In the modern era they are the premiere monster hunting trainers and outfitters.They also maintain a public bounty board, with special listings saved for members only. This board includes monster slaying quests, along with requests for magical aid, reagent requests, and more.


  • Moonlighters and Sentinels mix like oil and water – a long-standing difference of opinion between leaders trickling down to taint even casual contact between members. Moonlighters claim Sentinels are stick-up-their-asses bullies with no sense of adventure.

  • Like the rest of the hidden world, Moonlighters are leery of the Chapman Resources Group, but are more open to them than most thanks to their shared role as hired hands.

  • Moonlighters have no strong shared feeling about the Sisterhood of Scholars; opinion sways dependent on who you speak to.


Moonlighters have no standard uniform and no unified heraldry. Instead they pay homage to their founders by favoring moon iconography and occasionally an abundance of furred accessories. Waxing or waning moon pins are common as a sign of allegiance.

⚔️ Sentinels of Danube 🛡️

A storied and proud organization of warriors; once a specialized force formed to protect Romania and the Balkan states from the encroaching creatures of the night and their bloodlust. It was named for the river the states used as a final defensive line.In the ensuing centuries, they have spread their “protection” to every corner of the globe. Their oaths demand loyalty, sacrifice to protect the innocent, and no mercy rendered to those that threaten them.Many vampires, among other night-dwellers, still hold some grudges against the Sentinels for their origins, but it isn’t a universal opinion. The Sentinels even boast a few in their ranks.


  • The Sentinels loathe the “unorganized, undisciplined, and selfish” Moonlighters for their unfocused goals and lack of true moral unity. The differences in opinion between Moonlighter and Sentinel leadership taints all contact between the two.

  • The Sentinels quarrel with the ** Sisterhood of Scholars** as both of them vie to collect as many magical artifacts as possible, often stepping on each other's toes. Sisters see them as power-hungry thieves, while Sentinels return the sentiment by regarding them as spineless hoarders.

  • Chapman Resources Group receives a similar treatment to Moonlighters; the Sentinels begrudge their mercenary ways, however in some ways they are worse than the Moonlighters, as some Sentinels consider the CRG to be a threat to the hidden world as a whole.


The Sentinels of Danube's heraldry is a pair of crossed swords over a shield detailed with a rushing river, exact depiction dependent on branch. Many Sentinels have this crest tattooed on their arms, upper shoulder, or back.Their identifying color is white, with a secondary color joining it dependent on which branch of the organization a member belongs to. Blue for Research & Development, yellow for Troops & Military, and red for Medics & Mages. Deployed members are required to dress accordingly.

📜 Sisterhood of Scholars 🤝

Once a small and reclusive coven of witches, their beloved patron deity issued a mandate in the face of swelling tensions across the secret world: collect and protect all that you can, pursue knowledge and preservation above all else.Since, the Sisters have only grown in size and power, spiriting away magical artifacts one after another. One can find a branch circle in every region of the globe. No one is sure where all their spoils go, but their collection is suspected to be the largest library in existence.


  • The Sisters claim not to hold grudges – their focus is wholly on knowledge and not politics – but they fail to remain completely neutral on their contemporaries.

  • They are as leery of the Chapman Resources Group as any other society, though much less-so than the Sentinels.

  • To the Sisters, the Sentinels of Danube are an annoyance. They only manage to spirit away a handful of items the Sisters set out to claim, but even one is enough to earn the covenant's ire.

  • Moonlighters are no more than a passing afterthought to the Sisters. When they do come to mind, disapproval follows, as Sisters consider them to be lacking in true focus or vision.


Sworn members of the Sisterhood are not, in fact, just women. The circle welcomes all; those that join are gifted with a bronze pendant, engraved with a pair of clasped hands. It is to worn on ones person, though how is up to the wearer. Rumor suggests these pendants are how Sisters access their vast libraries.Black, bronze, and silver are the chosen colors of the Sisters. Only the higher seated members bother observing a dress-code. While large, the Sisters are tight-knit enough to always recognize their own.

🎖️ Chapman Resources Group 🔷

Money talks, even in the secret world. CRG are especially good at such conversations. This UK-based private-business-turned-society is better described as an armed militia-for-hire that specializes in combat against fellow supernatural entities.A majority of CRG's jobs are done for private entities; protecting an estate, "repossessing" important items, or even assassination. But sometimes they are contracted by in-the-know governments or officials to handle hazards outside the government's abilities.The organization is split into combat units, each run by a core of officers. Every unit has a specialty and a preferred area of operation in the world, though some travel extensively. Like the sisters, CRG is extremely tight-knit. Partly thanks to their unfavorable reputation.


  • While few large societies have true friends in the hidden world, none are disliked quite as much as CRG. Whether the reasons are unfounded or not, the only global society even willing to enter talks with them are the Moonlighters, on a case-by-case basis.

  • CRG sees the Sentinels of Danube as their only true threat -- the feeling is mutual. The two have a bloody history as recently as a couple decades ago.

  • To CRG, the Sisterhood of Scholars are a hindrance to business, thanks to all the thefts Sisters have attempted (more have succeeded than failed).

  • Moonlighters are fair-weather allies to CRG. When their goals align, they can put some faith in the Moonlighters tagging along. If they don't, they're as much at odds as any other society.


CRG has a strict uniform policy for deployed units. The uniform consists of standard fatigues in indigo blue, any required harnesses for weapons, black standard issue boots, and a face covering of choice in matching black or blue. Rank is indicated via color-coded sets of embroidered lines on the breast and shoulder of the fatigues.Further shows of allegiance range from tattoos of a trio of coins (CRG's unofficial iconography) to tastefully minimalist ballcaps with the company's initials embroidered on.

🗨 Guides 👁️

Not much is known of this supposedly-extant society, mainly relegated to myth and gossip. Only this is known; should the Guides exist, their role is to observe, mediate, and keep the secret world safe from wide-spread discovery.Guides are not a selectable Allegiance.

Relationships... ?

  • The** Sentinels of Danube** claim that they have had contact with the Guides, though they keep details close to their chest. As a whole, the organization puts weight behind the Guides name.

  • The Sisterhood of Scholars certainly believe in the Guides, though they feel that whatever the Guides do is simply not their business. As a subtle and tight-lipped society, they don't fear the Guides' eye ever falling upon them.

  • Chapman Resources Group, and many of the newer extraordinary generations across the secret world as a whole, put very little stock in the whispers of Guides. Those are tales of the older, more paranoid generations.

  • Moonlighters are, as ever, spread in their opinions. However most sway towards belief, thanks to many of the oldest Moonlighters claiming to have had brushes with the Guides in previous centuries.

Identification... ?

Most rumors claim guides mark their watch over a region by carving or painting eyes in vantage points scattered around the area. Yet more claim said markings are filled with magic, working as some sort of observation network.


Global players are only a small slice of the Allegiances one can find in the hidden world. Country-specific, regional, and local societies each have their own sway and power. From a local vampire coven to a nation's Spirit coalition, the options are endless.Players in AM are invited to create their own societies, or to join some of New Portsmouth's smaller societies.To create a society, contact the mods through the discord's #pitches-and-feedback channel. State the society's name, it's focus/purpose, any other starting members, and an emoji to use as a representation. For any future members, they can receive the Society's role by reacting to the representative emoji on the IC Role Selection message in #role-selection.

New Portsmouth's Societies

  • Briarden Pack – Portsmouth's local werebeast pack. They live in a joint-owned smattering of cabins on New Portsmouth's outer fringes, along the edges of the Hoh rainforest. They accept all manner of shifters. Their pack leader is an elderly woman named Vivian Briarden, who currently serves as a member of city council.

  • Coven of Starlight – New Portsmouth's largest vampire coven. Lead by the young vampire Hoang Gia Huy, they are a community-focused coven that takes care of both their own and the locals. They run and maintain a housing co-op that offers town members safe housing at low or no cost.

  • Friends of Ruby – Reclusive and secretive, Portsmouth's second vampire covenant is full of older vampires who want peace and privacy. It's hard to gather any detail about them, beyond the fact they are present in town.

  • Weaver's Loom – A loosely-aligned collection of witches, wizards, warlocks, and other magical practitioners. Most members are solitary people, but participate in the society to keep their interests jointly protected in the town's politics.

Player Societies

  • Societas Obscura Capricorni - The Dark Society is dedicated to the worship of a mysterious figure that goes by many names, but that they simply call The Black Goat. In the hopes of reaching spiritual enlightenment. (Run by Pedro)

  • The Old World - Members of T.O.W. meet at the ancient town archive (the New Portsmouth Athenaeum) to drink free tea, research magical history and culture, and debate and preserve the history of the old world. It's fashioned as an intellectual group and their aim is to document all magical (and sometimes human) happenings with a view to study them. The truth must prevail! Additionally, they have a strict "no interference" policy - their role is intended to be solely as watchers... but this may be compromised.


Light and shadow intertwined, vast emptiness, the arcane power of symbols.

Celestial is a font of endless potential, literally; one can tap the stars themselves for their blazing luminescence or the black holes for their inescapable capacity for annihilation or even the empty space that contains them for its lightless chill. In the abstract, Celestial also holds reign over the study of constellations and stellar patterns – making it the foremost source of power for arcane studies.Practitioners of the Celestial font find themselves drawn to the heavens; a constant pull to something vast and beyond their ken, no matter what aspect of the Celestial their power stems from. Few Celestial souls shine similarly.Domains of Power
- Astrology and Divination
- Light and Void magic
- Sigil-smithing, Runes, Arcana


The elements, ancient magics, the domain of appointed gods.

Primordials are beings of pure magic that, while tethered to the extant world, struggle to interact with it directly. Instead they dispense a steady stream of magical energy, feeding the most basic elemental powers of the world. There are countless Primordials the world over, each an avatar of an element; these individual Primordials are what a soul becomes tied to, and only ever one of these at a time.Through the belief of devotees and practitioners, some Primordials are elevated to deities. This belief allows them to expand their domain of influence beyond simple elements and into the more fantastical or mundane, from harvests to burials and trade to safe passage. Whatever is believed to be their purview, becomes their domain.Connection to a Primordial is fickle and dependent on the primordial itself, be they a deity or simply a natural force. Some choose practitioners at birth, others favor familial lineages, and yet others make connections with their chosen after catastrophic encounters with that Primordial’s domain. Sometimes without the chosen's knowledge.Practitioners of the Primordial font are either chosen scions or devotees of a Primordial. Each is bound intrinsically with the core element of their respective Primordial's power, able to perform at least basic manipulation of said element.Domains of Power
- The Elements; Air, Earth, Water, Fire
- Wish-granting and Blessings
- Whatever each Primordial's devotees ascribe to them


Cause and effect, the truth of created destiny, the power of ritual.

Chaos is a font founded on a simple set of beliefs: each action creates a new reality, every choice is a ripple that will become a wave, and no future is written in stone. The power of Chaos lies in tracing the path of these waves, tugging at the strings of causation and reality itself to bend it to your own ends. Chaos thrives in the small things; routines, rituals, choices made with intent. Its chosen, aware or blissfully ignorant, building a new future each day with the power of their free will.Practitioners of the Chaos font exist in constant opposition; the structure of routines at odds with flexibility to ride the shifting waves of destiny. For some this is a struggle, for others it's as natural as breathing to navigate Chaos in all its forms.Domains of Power
- Prediction, Shaping of Futures
- Rituals, Reality Bending
- Luck and Fortune


Edicts and rules, the power of speech, domain over spaces.

Pacts, parlay, and propriety are Dictum’s main tenets. Within structure, there is power. Dictum is the favored font of many Spirits, namely the Fair Folk – they were one of its first adopters, after all. Those tied to Spirits find an easy connection in Dictum, though it is a font that welcomes all to dabble in its depths. Follow their example and tangle your prey in a mess of promises and pacts, or forge your own path. All you need is this structure – and your wit to manipulate it to your own ends.Practitioners of the Dictum font revel in the innate power of contract – be it social, verbal, or written. Dictum is the most subtle font, many practitioners being completely unaware of the power they wield until having the hidden world revealed to them.Domains of Power
- Pacts, Contracts, and Rules
- Trickery through Speech
- Propriety and Control of Spaces


Domain over blood and sinew, life’s innate hunger, control through force.

A much misunderstood font, Flesh is a magic born from the power of life’s most primal tenants. The hunt, butchery, and consumption are three of Flesh’s ruling principles. Alongside them sits the need to protect and nurture. To many, this mix means only ill. To a learned practitioner, Flesh is both blade and suture. One may enhance their own body just as readily as they may command another’s to mend, or yet other’s to move against their own mind’s will. Flesh is a domain of extremes; parasitism and slaughter in tandem with devotion and cultivation, all dependent on whose will the Flesh bends for.Practitioners of the Flesh font are innately in tune with the pulse of living things – be it their own heart or the rush through others' veins. To them, Flesh reveals its secrets.Domains of Power
- Heal & Harm
- Domination of Animate Flesh, Control of Bodies
- Altars & Sacrifice


Harmony in connection, boundless growth, the will of the wild.

From Yggdrasil gushes an endless spring of power. Its Roots dig deep and spread themselves across the world. Seas buzz with this magic; forests flush green with it; the world’s many creatures sup upon its bounty. To be bound to Roots is to take your place within nature’s endless weave - tending the whole as it nurtures you in kind. Roots grants its practitioners a connection to all the beauty and terror of the natural world, and asks them to love it unconditionally. Speak with beasts, cultivate flora; should the wilds have it, Roots can connect you to it. What you do with this privilege is left to you.Practitioners of the Roots font are gifted with at least partial ability to commune with nature. The extent is unique per soul, known to change over time as the wild sees fit. To Speak and Breathe with Roots is a gift, treat it as such.Domains of Power
- Nature's Gifts and Bounty
- Connection to the Living, Bonds
- Growth in All Forms, the Beginning of Cycles


Domain of slow deaths, pestilence and rot, the end of cycles and what grows from it.

Dark warmth; the beauty of a slow-dawning finale and the fresh soil it leaves behind, ripe for growth from its withered corpse. Within this font reigns the understanding of life as both eternal and finite, treasured yet understood as only a single step. Every agent of the inevitable end and its aftermath heralds Corruption as its guiding star: contagion to bring it forth, scavengers to clean the bones, flora to reduce what remains and usher the cycle to start anew. Corruption is kind, for all some endeavor to misunderstand it; take your place amongst its agents and find purpose in your feast.Practitioners of the Corruption font are siblings to those of Root; where the wild grows with abandon, decay follows after to keep Root's ambitions fed. Death and endings are their constant companions, Corruption's practitioners able to sense the signs of them the same as Root's may sense the rain. Together, they complete a cycle.Domains of Power
- Death in All Natural Forms
- Decay & Decomposition, the End of Cycles
- To Turn the Dead into Sustenance for Tomorrow's Life


Forces unseen, that which is unknown, energy in all its forms.

One of the younger fonts – though not in its existence, merely its taxonomy – Dynamism is the broadest font of them all. In fact, it could be argued it isn’t a single font at all. Yet humans struggle to leave anything unclassified, so comes Dynamism; their greatest attempt to label and harness that which is beyond them. Under its wide, wide umbrella lives both the very forces of the universe (sound, motion, heat, gravity) and the power of the living heart (emotion, belief, dreams).In Dynamism dwells perhaps the deepest wells of power known to the secret world. Draw upon that which defines the laws of reality itself, or dabble in the art of weaving emotions and dreams. Energy lays waiting at your fingertips; shape it to your will.Practitioners of the Dynamism font have no one unifying trait or experience, vast as its domain is. Perhaps the closest is an oft shared claim that they can feel a constant thrum in all things; energy at their fingertips, in the air, at all angles. A song only they play audience to.Domains of Power
- The Universe's Energy
- All That is Unseen and Unknown
- Dreams, the Power of Belief and the Heart


Unnatural hunger, destruction as sustenance, consumption of personhood.

Pitch is not a selectable font.Pitch is an anomaly among fonts; fresh and unknown, it is the first new font discovered in over a thousand years. Adding to its mystique, no record of someone being born tethered to the font exists. Instead, pitch exclusively gains practitioners via contact and the ensuing severing of a souls prior connection to a font of power.Practitioners of the Pitch font are ██████ souls ████████ ██ lose ███ ████ ████ are, were, and will be ██ █ hunger █████ ████ ████ our world. █████ ████ ███ ███████. ████ ██ nothing ████ ███ ████ ███ an ever advancing abyss.Domains of Power
- Consumption, Hunger Untold
- Erasure of ███ ████ █████
- Corruption of ██████, To ███████ Until ███████ █████